JY Secure Boot Desgin
JY Secure Boot Desgin
Secure boot is one of the most important secure features for IoT/AIoT devices. It supplies the authenticity, integrity, and optional confidentiality of device images. With secure boot, devices can be controlled to run authorized images and execute specified functionalities.
Arm China secure boot solution leverages the lightweight cryptographic algorithms, compact data structures and simplified verified boot flow for resource-constrained IoT devices.
Key Features
JIAYU secure boot has the following features:
Configurable signing algorithms including RSA, ECDSA, SM2.
Configurable hash algorithms including SHA256, SHA512, SM3.
Configurable cipher algorithms including AES/SM4-ECB, AES/SM4-CBC, AES/SM4-CTR.
Multi-level boot chains.
Signing flow, which packs and signing the scattered images to all-in-one package.
Referenced universal bootloader (UBL).
Online and offline mode, which supports changing keys from production stage to developing stage.
1. The cipher algorithms are used in image encryption.
Two Stages
We define two stages of using JIAYU secure boot solution:
The developing stage. In this stage, customers are bringing up their chips or developing their device images, customers can use secure boot tool and secure boot core to customize their secure boot solution, such as selecting crypto algorithms, porting secure boot core.
The producing stage. In this stage, customers want to release their SDK or device images to others for making a real production. In this stage, customers can use secure boot online or offline mode to replace the signing key or image encryption keys for the real product, and also doesn’t touch the detailed implementation of secure boot solutions. Also, customers can use secure boot tool/secure boot core directly in this stage.
Secure boot tool and secure boot core
The secure boot tool and secure boot core are two basic components in JIAYU secure boot.
Secure boot tool is an executable tool, it runs on host side in offline mode, and SaaS side in online mode. The secure boot tool has the following functions:
Generating manifest file. Manifest is the metadata that describes the secure boot configurations. Details about manifest see section 5.3.
Generating secure boot public key hash.
Encrypting images.
Verifying or Examining manifest file.
Secure boot core runs on device, it verifies the manifest and images. There is hardware adaption layer (HAL) to port the secure boot core to different software environments, such as BootROM, bootloader.
Multi-level secure boot
Secure boot helper tool is used to pack all scattered images to one zipped package, and iteratively call secure boot tool to generate each level’s manifest. Besides, it also supports customer defined script to post process the zipped package, such as signing it.
Online and Offline mode
JIAYU secure boot supports both online mode and offline mode for generating signed package.
In online mode, all keys, including signing key and model key are deployed on secure boot SaaS, and no secret is leaked to developing environment or out of SaaS.
JIAYU secure boot online mode also supports generating manifests independently.
In offline mode, local secret keys are used, and no SaaS dependency is required.
JIAYU secure boot also includes one referenced universal bootloader (UBL), and from which customers can generate different images, such as BootROM, bootloader. The UBL is always using bare metal environment, no scheduler and interrupt handling is supported.
The UBL has the following features:
Support multi architectures:
ARM32 bit (including ARMv7 and ARMv8 AARCH32)
ARM64 bit (ARMv8 AARCH64)
ARM-M (Cortex-M MCUs)
Platform portable.
Configurable. The UBL has about 20 configurations.
Secure boot core embedded.
Secure debug agent embedded.
Provisioning agent embedded.
Mbedtls embedded.
Low power supported.
Multi core (SMP) supported.
Architecture of ARM-M not test.
SMP and Low power not test.
Low Level Design
Secure boot architecture
JIAYU secure boot supplies a customized security solution for AIoT devices. The following two figures show the general architecture of JIAYU secure boot.
Secure boot host side architecture Note:
Secure boot online mode includes Signing SaaS and Secure Boot SaaS, and the signing tool and secure boot tool are integrated into the two SaaS.
In secure boot online mode, keys are indicated by key hints file.
In secure boot offline mode, keys are provided by key configuration file.
Secure boot device side architecture
On host side, the signing tool extract the input source package and re-signing with new keys to generate final signed package. This may happen on secure boot SaaS/signing SaaS or offline environment, and the associated solution is called online or offline secure boot.
The following describes the steps of host side operations:
Signing tool extracts the input source package, parses the multi-level secure boot configuration file and input key configuration file or key hints file, and generates several manifest/key descriptor files. Details about source package see section 4.8 signing tool.
The signing SaaS or offline signing tool replaces the new keys via key configuration file or key hints file. The keys include secure boot signing keys, model key (used by image encryption).
Signing tool calls the secure boot tool to generate manifests with boot chain sequence from bottom to top.
Signing tool also pack binaries and manifests to ZIP container as signed package.
On device side, secure boot core in different boot images verifies the next boot level’s images. There are HAL layer to port secure boot core to different images.
Besides, customers can also use secure boot tool and secure boot core all alone to port secure boot to their platform.
Secure boot usage
We suggest using secure boot in the following two stages:
Stage 1: The developing stage. This stage mostly happens in device developing or chip bring up. In this stage, developing engineers do the following steps to enabling JIAYU secure boot to their product:
Designing/Customizing their multi-level secure boot solution. For example, how many levels in their secure boot chain.
Porting secure boot core to their device images. This mainly includes HAL and OSAL.
Creating sample signing keys and model key to try the secure boot solution.
And finally, generating one signed package.
Also, this stage can use all features of secure boot.
Stage2: The production stage. This stage mostly happens in products production, or device manufacturers. This stage doesn’t care the detailed technology of secure boot or implementation of secure boot, but they should care about the keys used in secure boot. In this stage, we provide online/offline mode for customers to change the secure boot keys without touching secure boot configurations.
Developing Stage Flow
The flow in this stage are:
Designing the multi-level secure boot solution.
Initialize the secure boot configurations and developing sample keys.
Generate manifests for each level of secure boot chain.
Create one multi-level secure boot configuration file from the secure boot configurations.
Generate one signed package.
The following figure is one example:
Production Stage Flow
Extract the source package.
Parses the multi-level secure boot configuration file and generate to several manifest/key descriptors.
Parses the key configuration or key hints file and initializes the new keys for secure boot.
With new keys, generate manifest binaries with secure boot tool or Multi-level secure boot tool.
Pack the manifest binaries, images and developing model key to one source package.
Sign the source package with signing tool.
The following figure is one example:
Secure boot tool
Secure boot tool is a host executable tool which supplies the following functions:
Generate manifest.
Verify manifest.
Generate public key hash.
The following is secure boot tool’s usage command:
secure_boot_tool [function] [options]
“function” specifies the secure boot tool’s function, can be one of:
Each function requires different parameters. The following sections describe details about each function.
Besides, there are some common options:
GEN Function
This function is used to generate manifest file as well as the secure boot covered images. This requires two descriptor files to config the parameters:
Key descriptor. The key descriptor file contains secure key related configurations, such as the signing key, image encryption configurations.
Manifest descriptor. The manifest descriptor file contains image related configurations, such as image’s address, version.
The GEN function flows are:
Parse the descriptor files and check parameters.
For each input image file, calculate the hash value.
For each input image file, do image encryption if enabled.
Assemble to manifest file.
Sign the manifest file.
Parameters for GEN function are: Key Descriptor
The following table describes the detailed format in key descriptor file: Manifest Descriptor
The following table describes the detailed format in manifest descriptor file:
The following table describes one image format:
This function is used to generate the public key hash file from PEM format public key or private key. The public key hash is the trust root of secure boot.
Parameters for TRUSTROOT function are:
VERIFY Function
This function can be used to verify or check the manifest. If the public key hash file is supplied, it will also verify the public key in manifest.
Note: The VERIFY function doesn’t verify/check the images.
The verifying flow uses the following constant values:
Manifest version 0.
Lifecycle CM.
Parameters for VERIFY function are:
Return Code
Secure boot core
Secure boot core is the main secure boot logic running on devices. It performs the following functions:
Verifying the asymmetric public key in the manifest. The trusted secure boot public key hash is read in HAL, customers can save the secure boot public key hash in trusted area, such as Fuse/OTP.
Verifying the manifest. The manifest is signed by the asymmetric private key. The signature and asymmetric public key are saved in the manifest.
Verifying and executing the extended program if any. The verification of the extended program is covered by the manifest, and the execution of extended program is also handled by HAL.
Decrypting the images if the image encryption is enabled.
Verifying the images. The digest of each image is saved in the manifest, and only the digest of image which matches the one in the manifest is a valid image.
The secure boot core should be a shared code which is portable to BootROM, Bootloader, and other software. To be portable, the secure boot core is designed to be:
HAL and OSAL dependent. Customers can implement the HAL and OSAL APIs to port secure boot core to their SW environment, besides, it doesn’t depend on any other libraries or functions.
Configurable. Secure boot core is configurable to support particular crypto algorithms, such as ECDSA only, so that memory footprint can be saved.
Debug enabled. There is both dynamic and static log level in OSAL LOG.
Image encryption method customized. Customers can overwrite the image encryption functions in secure boot core to use their image encryption method.
For the system safety, it is recommended that secure boot core be integrated into BootROM, as the first boot image solidified in read-only memory during the manufacturing stage. The following pictures describes the overall flows of secure boot core:
The following pictures describes details flows of secure boot core:
Flow #1: check secure boot enabled.
Flow #2: verify manifest header.
Flow #3: Verify manifest.
Flow #4: Verify images and update versions.
APIs Types
The following describes the secure boot core APIs.
typedef void *secure_boot_ctx_t;
The secure boot context. It is used to store context data which is shared across multiple APIs.
typedef struct _secure_boot_image_info_t { char *name; uint64_t static_addr; void *loading_addr; void *entry_addr; size_t size; bool encryption; bool xip; uint32_t flags;
} secure_boot_image_info_t;
The image information structure. The caller can get each image’s information with secure_boot_core_get_image_info_by_idx or secure_boot_core_get_image_info_by_name API. The image info is only valid within a valid secure boot context.
name: Image’s name, which matches that in manifest descriptor. static_addr: Image’s static address. 0xFFFFFFFF or 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF if the image is embedded. loading_addr: Image’s loading address.. entry_addr: Image’s entry address. 0xFFFFFFFF or 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF if doesn’t have. size: Image’ size. It is decrypted data size if this image is encrypted. encryption: Identifies whether the image is encrypted. xip: Identifies whether the image is XIP. flags: Customer defined 32bit flags in manifest descriptor file. Functions
osal_err_t secure_boot_core_init(secure_boot_ctx_t *context);
This is the secure boot core’s initialization function. This is the first function to be called in secure boot core. it initializes the resources for the secure boot core and allocates one context for latter APIs’ usage.
void secure_boot_core_cleanup(secure_boot_ctx_t context);
This is the secure boot core’s cleanup function. This is the last function to be called in secure boot core. It destroys and frees all the resources and the context used by the secure boot core.
osal_err_t secure_boot_core_verify(secure_boot_ctx_t context);
This is the secure boot core’s main process function. It is called after the secure_boot_core_init function and before secure_boot_core_cleanup. This function performs all the secure boot authentications, including verifying public key hash, verifying the manifest and verifying images.
osal_err_t secure_boot_core_get_image_number(secure_boot_ctx_t context, uint32_t *img_num);
The function must be called after secure_boot_core_verify returns OSAL_SUCCESS. It returns the number of the images which pass the verification.
osal_err_t secure_boot_core_get_image_info_by_idx(
secure_boot_ctx_t context, uint32_t img_id, secure_boot_image_info_t *info);
The function must be called after secure_boot_core_verify returns OSAL_SUCCESS. It returns the information about the image which has index of img_id. The image index is the array index in the manifest descriptor when generating manifest.
Note: the pointers in the image info are only valid when the secure boot context is valid, that is, using image info with cleanuped secure boot context is illegal.
secure_boot_core_get_image_info_by_name(secure_boot_ctx_t context, const char *name,
secure_boot_image_info_t *info);
The function must be called after secure_boot_core_verify returns OSAL_SUCCESS. It returns the information about the image which has the name in parameter. The image name matches that in the manifest descriptor when generating manifest.
HAL Dependency
The secure boot core depends on the following HAL APIs:
HAL_API bool hal_secure_boot_is_enabled(void);
HAL_API osal_err_t hal_secure_boot_read_manifest(uint8_t *buf, size_t size); HAL_API osal_err_t hal_secure_boot_read_trust_pubkey_hash(uint8_t *data,
size_t *size);
HAL_API osal_err_t hal_secure_boot_read_lcs(uint32_t *lcs);
HAL_API osal_err_t hal_secure_boot_write_manifest_version(uint32_t version);
HAL_API osal_err_t hal_secure_boot_read_manifest_version(uint32_t *version);
HAL_API osal_err_t hal_secure_boot_run_extended_program(uint8_t *ext_prog,
size_t ext_prog_size);
Details about HAL API see HAL document.
Mbedtls Dependency
The secure boot core depends on the following Mbedtls APIs:
Crypto Configurations
Each crypto algorithm can be enabled via configurations:
Image Decryption Function
The image decryption method is supplied by function:
osal_err_t secure_boot_decrypt_image(cipher_sch_t sch,
cipher_key_factors_t *key_factors, const uint8_t *iv,
size_t iv_size, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_size, uint8_t *dst, size_t *dst_size)
And there is default image decryption implementation in file img_dec_sec.c. Customers can overwrite this implementation if using image encryption plug-in file when generating manifest file.
The manifest is the metadata that describes the secure boot configurations. It contains the following parts for the secure boot core usage:
The manifest’s flags, such as manifest version, developing mode.
The manifest’s signature and signature type.
The asymmetric public key which is to verify the manifest signature.
The device images’ information, such as the image’ version, loading address, static address, and image encryption flag.
The key blob if the image encryption is enabled. Key blob is the identifier of the symmetric cipher key for decrypting the device’s images.
The extended program if any.
The manifest file contains all the information needed by the secure boot core. You need to treat the manifest file as a normal device image and burn it to the device’s Non-volatile storage (for example, flash) in the manufacturing stage.
The following is the detailed manifest format:
The extended program is optional. It exists when the manifest descriptor contains extended program.
The key blob and IV is optional, only exist when image encryption enabled. IV always exists if image encryption is enabled, even using non-IV encryption algorithm (such as AES-ECB).
Manifest Flags
The following figure describes detailed layout of manifest header.
Magic value is: 0x4D6E4674.
Currently the manifest format version is always 2.
The public key size in manifest is one array which contains 2 integers. For RSA, they are N and E data size. For ECDSA/SM2, they are Q.X and Q.Y data size.
The following table describes the hash scheme enumerations:
The following table describes the signing scheme enumerations:
The following table describes the image encryption cipher scheme enumerations:
The following table describes the public key type enumerations:
Image Flags
The following figure describes detailed layout of image flags.
Image name is stored in 8 Bytes array.
If the image is embedded, the static address is set to the offset of image within manifest.
If the image doesn’t have entry address, it is set to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
The image flag is one bit-mapped data with the following descriptions:
Public Key Format
The RSA public key format is:
The EC and SM2 public key format is:
Image encryption
Image encryption is an enhancement of secure boot. With image encryption, encrypted images are stored in the non-volatile storage of the device. The secure boot core decrypts and verifies the images in boot stage. Image encryption improves the security level, prevents the device’s images from being plagiarized, and increases the device firmware’s confidentiality.
In secure boot tool and secure boot core, there is default image encryption method. Besides, customers can overwrite the default image encryption method by:
In secure boot tool, supply an image encryption plug-in file by -plugin argument.
In secure boot core, overwrite the implementation of function: secure_boot_decrypt_image.
The following describes the default image encryption method:
The secure boot tool encrypts the original images which are described by the manifest descriptor file. The encryption key is derived from model key, key blob and image name. The following figure shows the image encryption key derivation algorithm:
The HASH algorithm is SHA256.
For the final level image encryption key size:
AES-ECB/CBC/CTR: always use 256 bits.
SM4: always use 128 bits.
The Keyladder algorithm leverages Merak crypto engine on device if have.
The IV (used for CBC/CTR scheme) are random generated data, so for image encryption scheme which requires IV (AES-CBC/CTR, SM4-CBC/CTR), the encrypted images are different for each time generating manifest.
For block sized crypto scheme (ECB, CBC), the encrypted images are always block size aligned. Secure boot tool will generate PKCS#1 padding for input images.
In the secure boot core, encrypted images are read from their static address, decrypted and copied to their load address. It is required that the encrypted images are not XIP. The decryption key is also derived via the same algorithm as encryption key.
Extended program
The extended program is another enhancement of secure boot. The extended program makes it possible to securely execute some user codes in the secure boot core and makes it flexible for some hotfixes of inalterable code, such as BootROM. The extended program is verified along with the manifest and runs after device images’ verification.
It is recommended that you implement very simple logic in the extended program, such as configuring registers, because complicated software stack makes the extended program complex and out of control.
The execution environment of extended program is in the secure boot core. Secure boot core calls the following HAL API to execute the extended program:
HAL_API osal_err_t hal_secure_boot_run_extended_program(uint8_t *ext_prog, size_t ext_prog_size);
When implementing the extended program, be careful to avoid any conflict, such as stack overflow.
Signing tool
Signing tool is the tool aims to deal with a bunch of binaries which need to be covered by Secure boot and followed by a specified secure boot verification chain. It takes several inputs, they are:
o Source package o Secure boot configuration o Key config o Secure boot wrapper o Post process o Post process arguments
Overview Offline mode Online mode
The above block diagram introduces offline and online scenario. Most of the flows of signing tool between offline and online are identical, the major difference is the manner of calling to secure boot tool, offline case by call secure boot tool directly but online mode call to secure boot wrapper, secure boot wrapper works as a proxy to call to secure boot tool.
On the left side. key conf describes key entries and with a reference of corresponding key files. Source package contains binaries from BIN0 ~ BINn. Secure boot configuration contains each secure boot level entry which be used to generate manifest descriptor by signing tool.
In the middle. Signing tool parse secure boot configuration, unpack corresponding binary according to the description of secure boot configuration and generate key descriptor and manifest descriptor according to secure boot configuration. Key descriptor, manifest descriptor and binaries formed as secure boot material which is the secure boot tool input. Signing tool submit these data to secure boot tool and secure boot tool feedback by its outputs. Signing tool packs those outputs of secure boot as signed package.
On the right side. Signed package was generated by signing tool and signing tool will call VENDOR DEFINED post process if user specified post process tool. Post process implementation requires must at least have one input that is the signed package.
Source package
Source package is a ZIP package which follows ZIP32 standard. It consists of a bunch of binaries need to be signed by Signing tool which will call into Secure boot tool to generate manifest to cover these binaries by secure boot verification chain.
Secure boot configuration
Secure boot configuration is JSON formatted file, which describes these binaries location in Source package and these binaries belong to which level of secure boot chain and which manifest binary will be generated.
Key config
Key config describes key files location (Offline mode) or key index in SaaS (Online mode) of each secure boot level which be described by Secure boot configuration.
Secure boot wrapper
Secure boot wrapper input only valid when signing tool working in Online mode which means signing tool be deployed into SaaS environment. Secure boot wrapper helps to establish communication between signing tool and secure boot SaaS.
Secure boot wrapper defined as:
Establish the communication between sign tool and secure boot SaaS.
Inputs comply with secure boot tool requirements.
Outputs are the secure boot tool outputs.
Post process & Post process arguments
Post process is VENDOR DEFINED, it used to process the signed package and outputs vendor defined formats of binaries or package (e.g. concatenate all binaries as flash image).
Constrains of implementation:
Must have one input parameter is the signed package.
Has optional VENDOR DEFINED inputs, denote as VI.
Has optional VENDOR DEFINED outputs, denote as VO.
sign_tool [options]
Parameters Secure boot configuration
The following table describes the detailed format in secure boot configuration file:
The following table describes one secure boot level entry:
The following table describes one image format: Key config
The key config is the signing tool input when it works in offline mode, which be used to specify each secure boot level singing key.
The following table describes the detailed format in manifest descriptor file:
[TABLE] Key Hints
The Key Hints is the signing tool input when it works in online mode, which be used to specify each secure boot level singing key.
The following table describes the detailed format in manifest descriptor file:
Return code
Online and Offline Secure Boot
Online Secure Boot
The following picture is online secure boot architecture:
Detailed about signing SaaS and Secure Boot SaaS please see secure boot SaaS UDS.
The following picture describes the secure boot online mode inputs and outputs:
Offline Secure Boot
The following picture is offline secure boot architecture:
The differences of offline VS online:
Input key config with local key files rather than key hints.
Directly call secure boot tool rather than call into Secure Boot SaaS.
JIAYU secure boot includes on referenced bootloader: Universal BootLoader (UBL). The UBL supplies a bare metal execution environment, customers can build UBL to BootROM, BootLoader.
Supported architecture
UBL supports the following architectures:
Details about supported architectures see arch folder in UBL.
Platform porting
Porting a new platform in UBL is tedious work. Currently UBL has supported the following platforms:
Customers can porting a new platform reference to the upper one. Also, you can port a new platform following these steps:
Create a new folder in platform of ubl. The folder name is your platform name, such as test_platform.
Create a config file in your platform folder. The config file MUST includes:
The arch config: CFG_ARCH.
The platform config: CFG_PLATFORM.
Other mandatory configs.
Create a hal_platform.h file in your platform folder, in which MUST contains:
The main stack size: CFG_MAIN_STACK_SIZE
The system heap size: CFG_SYSTEM_HEAP_SIZE
The linker configurations: CFG_LINKER_FORMAT and CFG_LINKER_ARCH
The binary RO region: CFG_RO_BASE and CFG_RO_LIMIT
The memory RW region: CFG_RW_BASE and CFG_RW_LIMIT
Besides, you MUST also implement several platform porting APIs:
There are some configurations in UBL:
JIAYU Secure Boot Demonstration
There is one secure boot implementation on JIAYU demonstration board: Chariot developing board.
The following picture describes the multi-level secure boot configurations for JIAYU demonstration.
Public key certificate
Certificate can be a self-signed certificate, but in most common way is issued by CA. In section 4.8, singing tool IMPLEMENT DEFINED post process of sign tool need user input private key and its public key certificate to sign the chariot OTA package.
So, this section tries to introduce how to setup a CA and use it to sign a certificate sign request under linux environment and based on openssl tool.
Setup CA Create work directory
The following commands help to create CA work directory:
$ mkdir -p CA/workdir/certs
$ pushd CA/workdir
$ touch database.txt
$ cat << EOF > serial
$ popd CA configuration
The following command help to create CA configuration file:
$ pushd CA
$ cat << EOF > ca.cnf
default_ca = OTACA
certificate = ./workdir/cacert.pem database = ./workdir/database.txt private_key = ./workdir/cakey.pem new_certs_dir = ./workdir/certs default_md = sha256 policy = policy_ota serial = ./workdir/serial default_days = 365
[policy_ota] commonName = supplied
$ popd CA root certificate
The following commands help to create root certificate of CA:
$ pushd CA/workdir
# Gen CA root key
$ openssl genrsa -out cakey.pem 4096
$pushd CA
# Gen CA CSR
$ openssl req -new -key workdir/cakey.pem -out ca.csr -subj '/C=CN/ST=SHA/L=SHA/O=ARM\ CHINA/OU=SISE\ OTA\ CA/CN=otaca'
# Self sign CSR.
$ openssl ca -config ca.cnf -selfsign -keyfile workdir/cakey.pem -in ca.csr -out workdir/cacert.pem startdate 19700101000000Z -enddate 21201231235959Z
$ popd
Sign request Gen private key
The following commands generate an RSA 2048bits private key:
$ mkdir -p request
$ pushd request
$ openssl genrsa -out package.key 2048
$ popd Gen CSR
The following commands use RSA 2048bits private key generate a CSR (certificate sign request):
$ pushd request
$ openssl req -new -out package.csr -key package.key -subj '/C=CN/ST=SHA/L=SHA/O=ARM\
CHINA/OU=OTA\ PACKAGE \SIGN/CN=otapkg_release01' $ popd Sign CSR
The following commands sign the CSR and output the corresponding certificate of private key:
$ pushd CA
$ openssl ca -config ca.cnf -in ../request/package.csr -out ../request/package.cert -batch $ popd Verify certificate
The following commands verify the certificate by CA:
$ pushd CA
$ openssl verify -CAfile ./workdir/cacert.pem -no-CApath ../request/package.cert $ popd